Booking Page & Price Lists

You can also book a Zoom session from our booking system here, a link will be sent to you in your booking confirmation and reminders, You can now pay by bacs or PayPal we also have a card machine in our office. (You do not need to be a PayPal member just use your card) for bacs put in the coupon code PAYBYBANK we will send you our bank details. You can book events and workshops from Here
Derek is now based at the Aesthetically Yours Beauty Boutique, 36 Grampian Road, Elgin, IV30 1XN

There is a car park and we now have disabled facilities.

When booking online choose the service or treatment, click the dairy for your area, set time zone, click on dates available.

Please make sure when you book your appointment with Derek McGillivray ( A Happy Medium )  you can make the time booked as you will be charged as per our policy.

Any problems please text or call 07468119635 or email

For our parties and events Click here

Derek’s Prices.

Schedule Appointment


Psychic Sessions, Card readings, Mediumship, Spiritual Development etc £50 for 30 mins or £90 for 60 mins Book online here Life Coaching, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Etc  All £90 for 60 mins Past life & this life regression £90 for 60mins Spiritual / Reiki healing/ from Derek £50 for 45mins Access Bars £65 Book online here There is discounts for OAPs and long term clients. Contact Derek for info on 07468119635 or email

Gift vouchers are available here or Call 07468119635, email and we will post them out to you.

Download now here