Derek Talking about Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Mental health
Alcohol abuse is overrated, while drug abuse is underrated. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM manual) suggests that substance abuse there are differences in the definition of drug and alcohol use.
To confuse matters worse the law has its own version of who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Some of the symptoms that help professionals determine if alcohol and drugs are a problem include, excessive drinking/drugging, problems with the law, withdrawal symptoms, shaking of the hands, and so forth.
If a person drinks everyday of the week and relies on alcohol, then you are probably dealing with an alcoholic. There are philosophers who claim if a person needs a drink at breakfast, that he or she is an alcohol.
Some philosophers claim that if you drink more than six-pack in a week, then you are an alcoholic. The fact is, most of the people nagging or evaluating alcohol and drugs have a problem themselves’ s or has gotten help off someone in their lifetime to treat their own problems.
Therefore, as you can see addictions, dependant alcoholics, and other types of alcoholics and drug addicts may alter. First all, any chemical that causes harm is a potential danger to your being.
In other words, if you start out drinking when you are fourteen and continue through your lifetime without alcohol causing you trouble, or else landing you a spot in jail, then you are probably not an alcoholic according to few.
The fact is the ones that are drinking and driving and getting caught are alcoholics according to the system although the level of alcohol in the blood plays a role in the determination. The truth is the law sometimes over dramatizes and the system is out to make all the money they can, so we all might be alcoholics by the time they are done with us.
Alcoholism and drug addictions are complex, in the sense there are too many misconstrued inputs and often the label is placed on individuals according to culture and history. If your parents drank alcohol, then the system sometimes will claim you as an alcoholic. The fact is, Jesus’ drink wine in moderation, so drinking in moderation is not a bad thing. The problem becomes a problem when the person has difficulty putting down the bottle and/or increases their intake as well as combining drugs with the alcohol to get an affect they were had.
If someone will steal or lie to get alcohol or drugs, then you know they have a real problem. However, most alcoholics and drug addicts have bigger problems than addictions and this is often ignored.
For example, people with mental illnesses often resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find relief of their symptoms. Now if a professional is treating this person for his or her diagnose and progress is moving along the person often feels healthy and the alcohol and drugs are out the door.
In my studies and opinions, I disagree with alcoholism and drug addictions if the person can stop once the mental illness is treated. This means that the person was suffering, and the substances was a mechanism to help them cope.
On the other hand, if the person is treated for mental illnesses and his or her drug and alcohol habits continue, then I think you had better get out the chair and start talking ‘one day at a time.’ Alcohol was once known as the “Devils Drink.” The White men are the originator of the source, and since its beginning it has caused serious complications, including death, abuse, and other related crimes.
Drugs are optional since the system often makes them available by teaching individuals what the drugs contain. The root of all-evil is money, and if a person sees that he or she can gain, they may take advantage, but fall into a snare in between. The system is overwrought since they put alcoholics and drugs addicts in jail and not seeking help for them.
The solution to humankind’s problem is helping and not hurting or promoting. If we can’t get along now, what makes you think you are going to heaven?
What do you think?
If you are struggling with addictions or additive behaviours, please get help.
I can help you or sign post you.
Derek Holds Diplomas in Life Coaching, Mindfulness based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) advanced, Past life & this life regression, Hypnotherapy, also hold certificates in Reiki spiritual healing, Advanced counselling. Is fully insured and follows national operational and ethical guidelines with in the laws of the UK.
Derek is often asked to do Motivational & Spiritual Workshops, Psychic shows and events with music from the past present & future.
His motto is ” Enlightening others to succeed through life’s challenges “
What is the psychic mind and how does it take part in mental health?
Psychogenic lies outside of scientific insight and is often linked to religious ritualistic and supernatural forces, which are often marked by influences, perception, sensory, morals, immaterial, and so forth. It has been witnessed by few that trauma patients often have a higher level of perception and sensory tools and have been known to have sixth senses and shared pains. This is a new subject that will be addressed later, but I wanted to separate the two. The two are separate from the psychic mind and often linked to the sources.
The many psychic minds around the world believe they can communicate with the dead and predict an unforeseen episode. Is it possible that a person can go into another world and speak with those of the past?
We will see! Having being a Psychic medium I do believe we can, or am I just delusional?
The many people in the world that has helped police officers find murders, help families get in contact with the other world, and have endured attacks on their own lives may not have a psychic intellect, rather they may have an underlying mental illness that creates an delusional outlook or they may have an actual gift who really knows?
We can look at magic practice, which is a series of acts that include illusion and delusion. What happens is the person is led to believe that an act is real when in fact it is not or as we are taught to believe this, we feel that is the case? We cant open our minds to ask if its true. yet even when I give validations some still believe its not true, maybe I am dilutional or just have a spilt personality?
Another example can be seen in the so-called healers. These people lead others to believe that they can make another individual walk if he or she is in a wheel chair. I learnt information on this subject including that in one case the person had a van parked out in the lot and microphones connected to another individual that acted out the part, and the person in the wheel chair was never paralyzed in the first place. State of illusion-delusion and unfortunately this happens often in our system. But I have seen amazing healing done, with holistic healers and being a Reiki master I know it can help.
How is this linked to mental illness? Well we can see that the person is an impulsive-compulsive liar that gets rich off misleading others. We call them charlatans and they give the good and genuine healers/Psychics a bad name. We are alert to the fact that when a person illustrates a damning behaviour it often leads to problems that are more dangerous. I have seen so called healers and psychics with no authoring bodies or insurance or even training do damage to others. Very often its myself that has to heal them using my other skills like counselling, life coaching and hypnotherapy.
Now we come back to the psychic mind where these people are misled into believing they have contact with other worlds and can predict or foreseen outdated. Most likely, the person had some connection in the first place, whether the information was in a book read and forgotten or what-have you and yes this can happen. But if you have been trained and are of sound mind, demonstrated your skills in public or private, you have to ask is there something to this? or is it just some delusional mind?
We know from sources that anyone practices magic, employing divination, mediums, sorcerers foretellers and so forth were all recording throughout the history and we are aware that these people are considered evil. So called witches and healers were wrongly burnt, hung and killed
However is Evil the source of the problem? while the individual may be thoroughly deceived and probably suffering underlying causes that make them believe as well as make others believe they have a natural ability to talk to the dead or they may have found out that we can all do this and open up to the possibility of it being true?
The fact is mind over matter is powerful and can become deadly if a person is twisted in their beliefs and thinking process. The mind alone is powerful and can play tricks with the mind that many will struggle to understand. However if we practice vigilant, and work toward enhancing our skills to hear and listen, as well as reading between the lines, we are working toward a healthy mind that very few will have the opportunity to deceive. This article in no way intended to hurt other person’s feelings, rather it is geared to help the audience learn mental health issues, the mind, and why things happen.
It is also geared to help the audience see how jealousy, envy, lies, hate, and other elements play a large role in mental health and mental illnesses.
Many people in the world suffer mental illnesses and often are not aware of this fact until the behaviour that initiated the illness grew into a series of behaviours and thinking processes that escalate to madness.
But the What if? question is how many people have be wrongly diagnosed delusional, when in fact they had gifts and skills that can help us all. The world has many problems and until we all face up to reality and truth we are never going to find the answers to the many problems that often sit in front of our faces.
In todays world with so many untruths and lies spread by social media, we have to ask ourselves what is fact and what is fictional?
I am my own biggest sceptic and I ask all the time, if what I get or think is true and very often it is, but only when I have a quiet mind and peace, I really get the answers, yes I could be delusional or a devil or maybe I just believe in Angel’s and god?
Point to all this is be open minded don’t just judge others on what you don’t know or understand make an effort to understand and maybe you will find the answers!!
If you like to book an appointment click the button below:-
We all want to change something about ourselves. There is always something that we want to change in our life. Dealing with something that we want to make different is not always easy, but we must figure out the best method to make it happen. Many people are trying to change the way that they look and their weight. This is going to be a very challenging idea and something that takes a lot of will power.
How many times have you tried a diet and failed? This can be very disappointing. It is hard to realize that you are not losing the weight that you want and be the size that you have dreamed about. However, with the right state of mind and a little bit of help you can make your dreams a reality.
The one thing that you can do is make sure that you keep a positive mind and always keeps telling yourself that you are better than someone that quits. You are someone that is important and that should give your diet the best possible try that you can. Being positive is all part of making a diet work for you.
Make sure that you are serious about your weight loss plan. You need to know that there is no room for failure and that you are going to make this happen for you. Sometimes we may not be able to succeed at a diet because there is something else going on in our life. Maybe we have a problem that lies deep beneath that we are having a hard time dealing with. If this happens, we need to seek help for it and get started on a good method of healing.
Staying focused is something that is very important too. There are many reasons why we need to be sincere and realize that this is something that we really want to do. Being disciplined is something that is must when we want to lose weight and make ourselves feel better. We need to know what we have to do to make our goal a reality and be the weight that we want to be.
Take some time to listen to your heart and what you want to be. Are you ready for the challenges that come along with dieting and not being a failure? Is this something that you are physically and emotionally ready to do? Make sure that you are strong and able to handle this type of process. Being ready for the challenge is something that you should realize so that you are not losing site of what the impertinence is.
If things are not going your way you need to figure out a plan to make it right. Make sure that you are checking out the options that you have and all that is going on. Give yourself plenty of time to make your weight loss dreams a goal that is going to happen for you. There is no need to pressure yourself into something that you are not ready for.
Remember you are not a failure you are a success story. If you have dreams and goals set for yourself, you are going to make it all happen. Giving your best shot and keeping sight of what is important will give you the help and the reinforcement that you need. Just be positive and never give up on yourself. You are not a failure, if you give it your all.
CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of the many cannabinoids, or chemical compounds, found in marijuana and hemp. You’re probably already familiar with THC, which is another compound found in the cannabis plant.
But unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. In other words, it’s not what gets you stoned.
A lot of my clients have been asking about CBD oil and as I am a Neal’s Yard consultant I have some information on CBD oil if you would like you purchase some please contact me.( At Present there is a 60% off deal) Or go to
CBD oil is a huge trend in the UK, so what exactly is CBD?
The use of CBD oil is hugely popular right now but its usage goes back thousands of years, originating in Asia, being brought west by the Roman empire after military campaigns and by the Greek physician Pedacius Dioscorides, who accompanied the Roman camp.
CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of many cannabinoids, or plant chemical compounds found in both cannabis and hemp, this is what gives the plant its therapeutic properties.
What are cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that occur naturally in the human body and also in some plants (like hemp and cannabis).
How do cannabinoids work within the body?
Cannabinoids (from hemp / cannabis) interact with receptors within our bodies own endocannabinoid system (ECS) to trigger various physiological actions. The ECS plays an essential role within the body and cannabinoids are vital for it to function effectively.
When cannabinoids are produced within the body they are commonly called endocannabinoids, ‘endo’ meaning ‘internal’ or ‘within’.
Whereas when cannabinoids are produced by plants they are often called phytocannabinoids, ‘Phyto’ meaning ‘of a plant’.
I will explain the endocannabinoid system simply
The human endocannabinoid system was first discovered in the 1990’s and is a network of receptors spread throughout our entire body that control some of our most vital life functions. Including the immune system, memory, appetite, sleep pattern, mood and pain sensation. It has been described as ‘the supercomputer that regulates homeostasis in all mammals’. Simply put this means it’s always regulating functions in our body to keep us in a state of wellbeing.
Why may I need to support my endocannabinoid system?
Unfortunately, many things like pollution, poor diet, stress and lack of exercise can lead to our bodies being unable to produce our own endocannabinoids, so the ECS (endocannabinoid system) may become deficient and our health or feelings of wellbeing may deteriorate.
How does CBD oil work?
CBD and other cannabinoids found in plants are similar to our bodies own endocannabinoids, research has shown they can interact with our endocannabinoid system. Researchers have found evidence that supplementing with phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, couldhelp our endocannabinoid system to function properly, regain balance and therefore support greater wellbeing.
I’ve heard there are different forms of CBD, what’s the difference?
CBD is not the only cannabinoid (found in cannabis and hemp), over 113 different cannabinoids have been discovered in the cannabisplant, each interacts with our endocannabinoid system in different ways. CBD is the most abundant cannabinoid but the others also play a role in regulating different aspects of our wellbeing, for example CBDa is often associated with pain relief and CBDg associated helping improve sleep patterns.
What’s the difference in the strength of each CBD oil?
CBD products are labelled with either milligrams (mg) of CBD or the percentage of CBD, sometimes both. E.G. 500mg of CBD within a 10ml bottle of CBD oil is 5% strength.
6% strength (600mg CBD/CBDa per 10ml) = 2.4mg CBD/CBDa per drop.
8% strength (800mg CBD/CBDa per 10ml) = 3.2mg CBD/CBDa per drop.
Will CBD oil make me high or is it different to cannabis?
CBD doesn’t have the psychoactive properties of its more famous cousin THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) found in marujuna / cannabis. To make a product legally compliant it must contain less than 0.2% THC. The CBD in the products we sell is standardised to contain less than 0.2% THC, this is a level below the amount considered to result in any psychoactive effect.
How do I take CBD oil?
Just drop the desired amount under your tongue and hold for 2-3 minutes before swallowing. If you struggle with the taste try brushing your teeth beforehand or try placing the CBD oil onto a bit of chocolate. Dropping CBD oil under the tongue (sublingually) allows the CBD to get directly into the bloodstream, via the salivary glands.
What dosage should I take?
Due to the individual characteristics of each user, such as age, weight, metabolism or concern, CBD dosage may vary; please see notes below. If you’re on prescription medication, pregnant or breastfeeding please chat to your healthcare practitioner / GP.
Always start on the lowest dosage as indicted on the label – 1 drop daily. If your healthcare practitioner advises you may wish to take a higher dose, make sure to split over the course of the day and build up slowly until you reach your desired effect. Please do not exceed the 160mg food supplement daily limit
As with all natural remedies some people may feel benefits straight away, whilst for others it may take longer. Once you find the dose that suits you it is recommended to stay at the same dosage, taking more does not increase the benefits of the CBD oil.
How should I store my CBD oil?
We would advise you store your CBD oil in a cool dark place, away from direct sunlight. During the hot summer months it may be beneficial to store it in the fridge.
Are there any side-effects if I take CBD oil?
Although there are a few potential side effects of using CBD, they are minor and often short-lived. Not everyone will experience them and the potential therapeutic benefits often out way these minor irritations. But please be aware of these potential side effects.
Dry mouth
Reduced blood pressure
Delay, occasionally even inhibition of certain medicines’ effects
Can we make any health claims with CBD oil?
CBD oil is not a medical product, we sell it as a food supplement. It supports homeostasis or balance of the endocanabinoid system and may therefore support wellbeing. We cannot give out advice on using CBD oil for anything medical related. It’s always important to do your own thorough research before trying it out.
The amount of information and variety of products can be overwhelming. So how do I know what’s best for my needs?
As with most things in life not everything is equal. The quality and therefore potency of CBD products on the market varies:
Always look for a ‘full spectrum’ extract rather than isolate, full spectrum means it contains a wide range of other cannabinoids
alongside other plant chemicals, this means it has synergistic benefits.
Isolate means that one element of the plant has been extracted and everything else excluded, it is highly processed.
A good quality CBD producer will be able to provide technical data / lab reports for their extracts.
Does the extract producer grow their own plant material? Most on the market don’t, rather buying bulk from another producer.
Whereas a company that is responsible for the whole process from seed to bottle knows exactly what is in the end product and is responsible for the quality and processing of the plant material.
Can I vape CBD oil or put it one of our aromatherapy diffusers?
The CBD oil we sell is classed as a supplement and is only suitable for oral use and not to be used in a vaporiser, diffuser or for smoking.
Is CBD legal?
CBD oil is legal in the UK, if it is manufactured in a way that does not result in unacceptable levels of undesirable substances – such as THC, the psychoactive substance in cannabis, it must contain less than 0.2% THC to be legally compliant.
Can I sell CBD to under 18 year olds?
We cannot recommend CBD oil to under 18 year olds
Can I fail a drugs test when taking BioBloom CBD oil?
We suggest that pilots and members of comparable professional groups should consult their employers prior to taking Biobloom full spectrum CBD-drops.
Can I travel abroad when using BioBloom CBD oil?
The rules of the destination country apply here – in the Arab states the THC tolerance is very low, please check before travelling.
BioBloom are an international family business who are dedicated to research and production of organic hemp flowers and CBD products. They carefully develop products based on sound scientific data and cooperate with experts from phytochemistry and pharmaceutical industries.
BioBloom stand behind their products from the moment of planting the seed to the time they seal the bottle. Hand picked andprocessed organic hemp plants are gently dried for up to 36 hours at a maximum temperature of 50˚C. The seeds are cold pressed topreserve all healthy ingredients.
How is the CBD extracted in BioBloom?
BioBloom CBD oils are made using Supercritical CO2 extraction, in a certified laboratory under the strictest quality standards – this allows for plant extraction without using harmful chemicals and it also guarantees that all natural nutrients contained in the plants are preserved. Through this process they produce a CBD product closest to the natural state of the plant.
Here are some key points about CBD oil by BioBloom:
Quality you can trust – lab tested.
Organic, raw, solvent-free and Non-GM.
100% natural. Vegan.
Designed to support a balanced Endocannabinoid System.
Made from the highest quality ingredients.
Dropper built into cap to make dosing easier.
CO2 Supercritical extraction method. (extracted without the use of solvents)
Contains a full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes.
Non-psychoactive (only contains legal trace amounts of THC)
In my capacity as A Happy Medium, where I am an intuitive life coach and complementary therapist, I discovered I had this amazing ability to foresee weddings, births and so on.
As a result, I was often asked to do wedding ceremonies, or invited to christening of new-born babies.
When at some of these events I often thought that the events did not do justice to the couple as often they didn’t get what they wanted and had to follow set protocols and please Family, church, or others etc.
So I decided to train as a Civil Celebrant. And offer the couple more options so they could be In Control off THEIR special day.
In June 2019, I completed and passed NOCN Level 3 Diploma in Celebrancy – Baby Naming and Couples.
I was trained in by Civil Ceremonies Ltd. Who are one of the top rated trainers and regulated by the government body OFQUAL.
I am a deeply spiritual person and believe in the concept of unconditional love. Love should be celebrated, and a ceremony is a great way to show that love. I created A Happy Ceremony for that reason to offer personalised ceremonies for my clients,
My motto is “Seal your love with a ceremony and a smile”
Some of the ceremonies I offer are
Wedding ceremony
Baby Naming
Scottish Hand fasting
Renewal of Civil partnership or wedding vows
Commitment ceremonies
Divorce ceremonies
I operate from Elgin in Moray, Scotland but prepared to travel anywhere in UK.
I was already travelling throughout the Uk and the Islands putting on shows for my work as A Happy Medium I had a lot of ceremonies booked but dew to the Covid 19 restrictions they have been rescheduled to next year.
Having been a public speaker for over 25 years I am a very confident speaker and I am often the one who you calms others down, who are involved in the events I attend, also take charge when things don’t go to plan, I use hummer, kindness and compassion, plus I use my empathy skills to assist you and your family.
I like to get to know a little about you so that I can make sure that your ceremony is personalised to make it unique to you both. You can have as much of your own input as you wish, on your Happy Celebration day. I love to connect with you and your guests so that everyone feels a part of the day and not just a spectator to it. We work together we make it unforgettable.
Here is some of what happens:
You find your dream venue or ask us for a recommendation
Contact us to hold your preferred date
Contact Registration office – Intent to marry
Book your signing day
Begin creating your unique and personal ceremony!
Whatever the occasion, I look forward to working with you to create a unique and personal ceremony, reflective of who you are and without any restrictions on location, content, format, or style.
My ceremonies are warm, personal, and relaxed, and can be as romantic and sentimental or as upbeat and quirky as you wish.
It’s your day so let’s make it really special and unforgettable for you.
Your Wedding Ceremony
I can officiate at a ceremony for couples of any gender that follows your legal marriage or partnership formalities, either the same day or some time afterwards.
You can share your love for each other with your family and friends, in the ceremony that you really want.
In Scotland just now only a Humanist Celebrant can legally marry you and you have to follow the Humanist format. You don’t have to follow any format with myself as I am not tied to any Religion, but I am fully insured.
The law is hopefully changing soon where all trained celebrants will be able to legally marry, you can have the church minister, priest marry you or a register at or before your ceremony it’s up to you.
Most of my clients just need to say to the register they want to get married but do not want the ceremony with the register, they then get a form to sign and the costs are low.
My ceremonies do not replace your legal formalities but are designed to be a perfect solution to many dilemmas.
If you can say “Yes” to any of the following situations,
the Wedding Celebration Ceremony is for you!
You want your ceremony in a private house or garden.
You want the ceremony outside, maybe in a marquee.
You want to get married abroad but also want to share your wedding celebration with friends and family when you return.
You want your ceremony in a particular venue that is not licensed for marriages or civil partnership.
You want religious or cultural traditions, which are not allowed at a Register Office or in a religious ceremony.
You want to include spiritual, religious, or symbolic elements with special meaning to you.
It is a Personalised ceremony that you design with My help, conducted in front of all your family and friends, in any location that you choose.
These ceremonies are for couples of any gender.
I also can provide PA systems etc as I use them for my other events.
Why Use us, For Your Happy Ceremony?
“Personalise the start of your wedding with a happy ceremony with words that are all about you.”
With a ceremony led by Wedding Celebrant Derek McGillivray you can:
Choose Your Own Location
Your ceremony can be held anywhere!
It does not need to be licensed as the ceremony can be separate from your legal signing.
Choose Your Own Time
Celebrate at a time that suits you. Because normally only one ceremony a day is conducted, you can pick the time you REALLY want!
A Ceremony personalised to suit you
I get to know you so that he can convey your personal story to the guests to make this an unforgettable experience.
I am Fully Qualified and insured I also trained to offer A Naming Ceremony.
What is a Naming ceremony?
A Naming ceremony is an event at which a person or persons is officially assigned a name. Various countries participate in this practice, with methods differing over cultures and religions.
The timing at which a name is assigned can vary from some days after birth to several months or many years.
Your Naming Ceremony can be specially created using your own selection of words, poems and readings, either from the wide selection Derek can provide, or from other sources.
During the ceremony, a special commemorative certificate is signed and presented. There are many ways to make your child’s ceremony a very personal, meaningful, and unique event for all those involved.
Derek can work with you if you still want your child to be baptised in a church etc and want a more personal naming ceremony afterwards. Very often a Baby naming Ceremony is asked for at the same time or before a wedding, especially if couples have children who are being adopted or changing names, it helps make the joining of families more memorable.
Apart from the normal Ring blessing, giving and ring ceremony you can also have lots of other symbolic acts within ceremonies.
The Handfasting Ceremony is probably requested most by the couples in Scotland,
You may have wondered where the expression to tie the knot comes from. It refers to the traditional Celtic ritual of Handfasting, which was recognised as the contract of marriage.
Handfasting may be unfamiliar to many of you so I will explain a little about it.
A hand fasting was originally more like an engagement or trial marriage, where two people would declare a binding union between themselves for a year and a day.
After a year went by they could separate or decide to permanently enter a full marriage, very often if there were no child or pregnancy this is what happened, Hand fasting was suppress in 664 but was still considered amongst many as a legal form of marriage in England until 1753 when it was outlawed.
In Scotland it continued until 1939, hence the stories of elopement to Gretna Green to be married over the anvil.
Candle Lighting
The Bride and Groom each light a candle each, to symbolise their separate lives before their formal union as a married couple. In a partnership of equals, such as the one which they have, each partner cares for the other through both the difficult times and the good times.
They will share the laughter and the tears, the joy, and the sadness, as well as the companionship and tranquillity of simply being together. But at the same time, they will continue to respect each other’s individuality and uniqueness, and this is symbolised by the two candles.
The Bride and Groom then light a third candle symbolising the joining together of their lives in marriage.
The three candles will shine forth as symbols of both their togetherness and of their continuing individuality.
Elements Well Wishing
As a unique way to symbolise a union is to celebrate life’s essential elements. A well-wishing is said to all the elements. Earth, Air, Water and Fire.
There are many ways of doing this, depending on where the ceremony is taking place.
Sand Ceremony
A marriage is symbolised by the pouring together of two individual containers of sand, representing the Bride and the Groom and all that they were, all that they are, and all that they will ever be. As these two containers of sand are poured into the third container, the grains of sand can never again be separated, as you will now be in their marriage.
Planting a Tree
The tree symbolises a Bride and Groom’s hopes for the future as well as the beauty and wonder of life. Whether a tree grows to be tall and strong depends on the nurture it receives. No tree grows alone – they all need the soil, the sunshine and the rain. So too, a marriage needs to be nourished and a Bride and Groom will be there for each other through all the seasons of their life together – to support, love and nurture each other.
Exchange of Flowers
The language of flowers, has its roots throughout history. Using flowers to send a message probably dates to prehistoric times as symbolic use of flowers is mentioned in Egyptian inscriptions, in Chinese writings and in both Greek and Roman mythology.
And so, the bride and groom exchange white roses, which symbolize purity, charm and innocence.
Gathering of Flowers
As your guests arrive, present them with a flower. Each one of these flowers is different, each one is beautiful, and each one will add its own unique qualities to the bouquet that will made when they are gathered together.
All of your guests have each brought their own qualities to their relationships with you, their own beauty, their own colour and their own influence…
And now as they gather together for this most special of occasions, a nominated person will gather these flowers together, each flower representing their place in the bride and Groom’s lives.
The beautiful bundle of flowers represents the colour and the beauty that each and every person brings into your lives, and with the placing of each flower, the bouquet changes, each flower playing its own part in influencing how the final bouquet will look and feel. This bouquet will now be the centrepiece of this ceremony, and the dinner and party to follow.
Gifts for Mothers
This wedding is also a celebration of family. It is the blending of families, separate up to this moment, but united from this day forward – blending their different traditions, strengthening the family tree. Mothers cry when their children hurt and welcome pain and burden to give their sons and daughters the gift of life.
The Bride and Groom, to honour this blending of families, present a rose to their mothers – to thank their parents for the many sacrifices they have made and for their unconditional love so freely given to their children.
There is so much more
Here is a list of symbolic gestures you may wish to consider for your marriage ceremony.
Candle Lighting
Elements Well Wishing
Sand Ceremony
Planting a Tree
Exchange of Flowers
Gathering of Flowers
Gifts for Mothers
The Mexican Hug
Release of Doves
Release of Butterflies
Release of Balloons
Wedding Band Warming
Heart Entwining
Do not forget some of these gestures can be used for the Baby naming ceremonies too.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and we also offer services to support you leading up to your big day, and even help you save money on your house hold bills from now, so, you can put that money towards your future instead.
Feel free to come in or have a chat on zoom, we could even do a ceremony over zoom until you can have that real special day, ironically, I have been asked lately for this already.