Crystal Healing
Over the years I have used many different crystals and they still continue to intrigue me.
I love having some crystals around me when working as they seem to enhance my work, I first started using a crystal Pendulum in my early days of developing my abilities it helped me gain confidence as I would ask yes and no questions, and even ask where certain things were like missing mobile phones.
Crystal Pendulum The term “radiesthesia” was coined by a French priest. It is a combination of Latin and Greek words and means something akin to “the capacity to sense radiations” or “sensitivity to rays/vibrations”.Radiesthesia is a technique which uses a divining rod or pendulum by which invisible bioelectric activity can be detected in organisms. Rods and pendulums can be used almost anywhere and in theory anything can have a pendulum used on it, for instance character traits, interpersonal relationships, medical diagnoses and medicines, foods, earth rays, precious stones (to check their authenticity) and a host of other applications.
Missing objects and people, the position of sunken ships or location of wild game can be searched for. It is sometimes claimed that a pendulum can only be used on situations in the present or the past but not events or developments in the near or distant future. But even this is possible – if not for everybody or in the early stages of pendulum work.
I have linked up with the Treasures of the Earth the Crystal Museum in Corpach Fort William
I also run Crystal workshops more info to follow.
to book goto
To see a few Crystals and their meanings Click Here
The video above explains my love of crystals and the beautiful exhibition of crystals and gemstones in the small village of Corpach, Fort William Treasures of the Earth just below the UKs biggest mountain Ben Nevis.
Over the years I have used many different crystals and they still continue to intrigue me. I love having some crystals around me when working as Reiki Spiritual healer, they seem to enhance my work, I first started using a crystal Pendulum in my early days of developing my abilities, it helped me gain confidence, as I would ask yes and no questions, and even ask where certain things were like missing mobile phones and often found them. I now teach others about the healing benefits of crystals and how to use them effectively.
Derek does crystal readings with cards and holds the crystals in his hands to gain insights, why not book one today.
Text or call 07468119635