Combating Anxiety

Combating Anxiety

Combating Anxiety:  Will a Pill Do the Trick?

At certain points in your life, you might have been plagued with worry.  It might have been in the wake of beginning a marriage, starting a new career, or caring for a sick child.  The worry might have affected you not only emotionally but physically as well.  You might have experienced feelings of uneasiness, faintness, or breathing troubles.

There are degrees of severity when it comes to anxiety.  For instance, it can be mild, lasting only a day or two, or severe, lasting an entire month.  You might experience generalized anxiety disorder or something more specific such as phobias, panic, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Anxiety might be treated with an anti-depressant or an anti-anxiety medication.  Generally speaking, there are three categories of anti-depressants:  selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs; tricyclics; and monoamine oxidase inhibitors or MAOIs.   SSRIs include Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft.

These anti-depressants often have fewer side-effects than the older generation of anti-depressants.  Initially, you might feel nervous taking SSRIs, but the feeling often disappears after a few weeks.  One of the most important side-effects of these drugs is sexual dysfunction, which can often be corrected by changing the dosage.

Tricyclics tend to have side effects such as sleepiness, dizziness, and weight gain.  They are older than the SSRIs, so there has been more research conducted on them.  Meanwhile, MAOIs can cause a reaction if mixed with certain foods and drinks, such as cheese and wine.  These reactions can include increased blood pressure and other life-threatening problems.

Side-effects of anti-anxiety medications include fatigue, confusion, or drowsiness.    The medications may be taken two or three times a day or just when needed.  Dosage starts low then increases until symptoms disappear.  The amount of medication prescribed varies according to symptoms and a person’s body chemistry.   Doctors generally believe that you should not drink alcohol while taking anti-anxiety medication because the combination can create a life-threatening situation.

Because the medication can lead to dependence, the drugs are usually prescribed for only days or weeks at a time.  In fact, a user might be directed to take the medication only when symptoms of anxiety occur.  In some cases, individuals suffering from anxiety may need treatment for an extended period.

If you begin taking anti-anxiety medication, it is important that you stay on it until the doctor recommends that you stop taking it.  If you stop abruptly, you may experience anxiety, dizziness, or loss of appetite.  Common forms of anxiety medication include Valium, Ativan, and Xanax.

At times, physicians may prescribe beta-blockers to combat anxiety.  While beta-blockers such as propanolol may be used to deal with heart damage, they have also emerged as an effective treatment for social anxiety.  If you face a stressful situation, such as a job interview, your physician may give you a beta-blocker that can keep your palms from sweating, your head from swelling, and treat other symptoms of anxiety.

There are certain steps you should take before you begin a drug regimen for anxiety.  For instance, you should do your homework on the drug.  Find out what side-effects it causes, and determine whether you can live with those side-effects.  Also, you’ll need to inform your doctor of any over-the-counter medications you are using.  Be sure to find out how long you will have to take the drug.  You should realize that if you decide to stop taking the drug, you could find symptoms of anxiety reappearing.

If you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, it can be a daunting experience.  You may not know where to go or who to turn to.  However, it’s best if you begin your search for treatment with your family physician, who can refer you to a psychiatrist if need be.  While any type of anxiety medication can lead to side-effects, many people report good experiences, particularly with SSRIs.  By working closely with your physician, you can find the medication that’s appropriate for you.

However, you should know that medication may be only one part of the treatment puzzle.  You may also need to engage in talk therapy or join a support group in order to alleviate your symptoms.  The good news is that the prognosis is good for those who’ve been diagnosed with anxiety.

There are of course the holistic approaches, that can work with your drugs or can be used as an alternative, I have always believed, we need to work with the NHS and doctors and together we can help our clients to deal with anxiety.

There are many services we offer from Reiki healing, counselling, life coaching, Access Bars, NLP, Hypnotherapy, regression, TFT and many more..

Instead of just popping a pill why not come for a session and see how we can help you over come your challenges and find the root cause of your issues or the negative learnt behaviours you have created, yes you! As the only person that can help you is yourself, but we can give you the tools to succeed.

Book a session now and get back on that road to recovery!
Schedule Appointment

12 tips to help you relax & combat life’s challenges with anxiety, stress and worry.

12 tips to help you relax & combat life’s challenges with anxiety, stress and worry.

Even when things aren’t perfect or don’t seem to be working out, I choose to trust in life.

Here are some tips to help you deal with life’s challenges, which I hope will enable you to recognise and control common tensions and anxieties. It is my belief that the only way to be able to combat anxiety successfully, is to learn all you can about it and then teach yourself ways of controlling the problems and effects caused by either an anxiety attack or an anxious situation that you find yourself in.

Life Coaching with Hynotherapy can really help with anxieties, together we can get to the root cause and work on soluitions.

Watch the video and learn new coping strategies

You can book a session online here or text/call 07468119635 email

These tips are in no particular order and I hope that you will read them all, try them all and then use the ones that you find ‘work for you’:

1. Talk over your worry. Everyone needs to do this at different times in their life. (Choose a friend, relative or professional helper you can trust).

*The magic word here is trust! It is impossible to talk candidly to someone who you feel either does not understand or you don’t trust. If you find someone who you can trust, try to use that trust and friendship to help relieve some of your burdens.*
Some Results: You will have relief from strain and be more able to see what you can do about your problem.

2. Escape from your problem – even if only for a while. (Lose yourself for a while in a change of scene or an interest. There is no merit in “Sticking it out” and suffering).

*As I have mentioned before, I use exercise and music to relax. I also read books and surf the internet. All of these things takes me away from stressful situations and help me get my mind back to a state in which I can deal again with life.*
Some Results: Afterwards, you will be clearer in your mind and able to come back and tackle your problem.

3. use up anger by physical activity. (Channel your anger into a job that needs doing or take a long walk or even play a game).

You can book a session online here or text/call 07468119635 email

*Physical exercise is a great way of removing pent up aggression. Please walk away from a potential flash point. It never solves anything and only intensifies your loss as you lose either friends, family or even both. I know it is difficult but self-discipline is the only real option here.*
Some Results: You will “let go” of your anger instead of bottling it up, which causes more tension.

4. Give in to others – occasionally. (This is easier on your nervous system in the long-run and you’re the one who counts. Only children stay obstinate and defiant all the time).

*This is so difficult to do because giving in also implies weakness and submission, both of which are hard things to do. Try this one occasionally and see how you feel! If it is a good feeling then try it again (but not all the time).*
Some Results: You will feel a relief from pressure and develop a stronger sense of maturity.

5. Do something for someone else. (Even a smile or a generous word is a good start. Add to this daily).

* It sounds crazy to do this and you can not see how this will benefit you, right? Well only after you have tried it and done it and continued to for some time can you see the benefits here. But they are worth doing. You do feel more fulfilled and can make friends and build relationships as well.*

Some Results: It will help you to feel less isolated with your worry and start to turn your thoughts outwards.

You can book a session online here or text/call 07468119635 email

6. Deal with one thing at a time. (Select the urgent tasks first and get on with them. Forget the rest for the time being. Tension and worry makes even an ordinary day seem unbearable. This need not be a permanent state).

*This is a problem I had. When I worked as a chef offshore if I had work I had to do it all and all by myself. I felt I was indispensable and that no-one could cope without me. I never delegated and nearly had a complete breakdown as a result, as well as losing friends and alienating colleagues in the process.*

Some Results: This will help you achieve something and the other tasks will seem easier when you get around to them.

7. Try not to be a perfectionist in everything. (If you expect too much of yourself all of the time, you can create a constant state of worry and anxiety. So decide which things you do well and put your major efforts into these first).

*Oh boy! This was me. Still is if I let it (but I’m not quite such a compulsive perfectionist now). This is hard and I can not tell you how to change. You need to work this one out and fast. This would be my #1 in this list, so work on this. In the long run it really will help.*

Some Results: You will avoid an open invitation to yourself to fail and probably make life easier for yourself – and others.

You can book a session online here or text/call 07468119635 email

8. Try not be to critical of others. (Concentrate on other people and your own good points and try to understand and develop them).

Some Results: You will probably feel frustrated and let-down by yourself and others.

9. Develop co-operation with others. Not competition. (Give the other man a chance. If you are no longer a threat to him, he stops being a threat to you).

*This is true but I guess I never looked at things in such a black & white manner?*

Some Results: You will have less emotional or physical tension over reaching goals (real or imaginary).

10. Make yourself available to others – make the first move occasionally. (Neither push too much or withdraw too much. Feelings of rejection and neglect are very painful but are often self-imposed).
*Again this is me. Always wanting to please and feeling very rejected when things turn out differently. I get paranoid and think that people are either laughing at me or avoiding me. I guess I withdraw as an automatic protective manner.*

Some Results: At least you will know you’ve made an effort and this will build your confidence.

11. Plan your recreation time. However short. (Allow some time for a hobby or recreation. Un-planned time often becomes wasted time. Make variety part of the planning).

You can book a session online here or text/call 07468119635 email

*This links in nicely with some of the other tips. Try and get involved (if you can) with team sports or activities where there are other people around. I know first hand how hard this is (you will feel so much better about yourself if you can) and I am still struggling to do it myself (remember doing is not quite as easy as knowing). This is a very good tip so try it.*

Some Results: You will return to your work or your problem with a fresher outlook.

12. Learn methods of exercise and relaxation then practice them daily. (You are aiming to be in control of your body and learning how to counteract tension and anxiety).

*The best tip of them all. Sometimes though the hardest to do. It is not easy to relax when you are stressed and tense. It is better to try out different methods when you are not so stressed and tense and then use the ones that really help to relax you when you need them most. I use music and sport. It works for me so try it, what have you got to loose?*

Some Results: You will unlock tension in every part of your body and even prevent tension in the future.

If all else fails use my F bubble meditation gets the point across.


Don’t waste energy trying to empty your life of worrying things, when you could be filling your life with wholesome things.

You can book a session online here or text/call 07468119635 email



Dealing with Concerns and using your circle of influence.

Dealing with Concerns and using your circle of influence.

The Circle of Influence and the Circle of concern

This is a great process to go though when you have had enough and need to sort out stuff in your head, The idea or model is taken from Stephen Conveys The 7 habits of highly effective people 1989.
We all have concerns in life some we can influence and some we cant in the present, that can change in time. I have learnt though my own life lessons that we cant always change our concerns, especially in politics or the past, people dying, the meaning of Life and so on …but when we Rewind and slow down, then Review this is a great process to look at when we review what we can influence, before we Re engage in life.

All of us have a wide range of concerns in our lives – our housing, our health, our friends and family, the environment, weight issues, animal rights, sex and drugs and rock and roll, the universe of our concerns can go on and on, there are some things we can influence and some things we can only stay concerned about. we do have a choice.

Now we have a choice about where we focus our attention and energy. Not that I am saying to eat wild mushrooms by the way, as you will go mad and that wont help you, but when we take control and focus on your circles of influence and look at what you can influence, we are then ready to Re engage.

Worry Only About the Problems in Your Circle of Influence.

Once you have had a look and sorted out in your head and divided all the concerns in to circles of concern and circles of influence.
Take a break, go for a walk, chill out. and ask
What really is worth my energy?
Who can I influence?
When can I see them?
How will I approach them?
Let the questions and answers, solutions come into your head. Be relaxed and feel good about the fact your moving forward now.

The author and leadership guru Stephen Covey encourages us to only focus on concerns that we have control over. He outlines the “circle of concerns” as all of the stuff that worries us – and then a smaller “circle of influence” (within the larger “circle of concerns”) that only contains stuff that we can actually control.

His point, of course, is that we should only spend our energy on stuff that we can do something about. Focus only on problems that lie within your “circle of influence.”

That is not an easy thing to do at times, but better that, than giving in to negativity.
We are creative and we all have passions, core values that drive us forward look at the other blogs and use all the tools, tips advice, learn and take action.

If you need help, book a life coaching session with Derek! Click here to set it up!

Your energy becomes fractured and depleted as you start to obsess over details and situations that are beyond your control. Ultimately  your ideas and projects will suffer. So don’t waste time on things and situations you cant change in the present moment, focus on what you can change, Your attitude first to a positive one!

Use only positives in your circle of influence, set some goals to influence what you NEED not just what you WANT and remember enthusiasm attracts, enthusiasm back to you.
Let stop the moaning and be happy today, lets start a happy virus one that is a total pain in the tummy, where we can’t stop laughing. There nothing more infectious than the sound of laughter. Make others smile today!



Blog About ITeraCare Terahertz Device

Hi and welcome to this blog on the Itera care Devices.

Both Angela my wife and I are Independent Business Owners of PRIFE who make the Itra care devices. Below are some links and video explaining more about the Itera care devices we use and have had great results with our clients.

A great Video explaining about the Terahertz devices.


iTeraCare – The Greatest Wealth Is Health from EF Production on Vimeo.

If you would like to try out the device or become a distributor book an appointment with Derek or Angela Tel 07468119635 or email

Please note there are a number of Fake devices out there, please only buy from Independent Business Owners of PRIFE as they are the only official retailers/sellers of this product which is guaranteed for 1 year!


Facebook links

National groups

iTeraCare Health

iTeraCare Wave Therapy – Testimonies & Support

This is our local group called Who can Help 

Some useful files

How to use the blower

Scientific explanation of itracare Wand 

Charged Water

Detoxification Fads: Is There False Hope?

Detoxification Fads: Is There False Hope?

Detoxification Fads: Is There False Hope?

Detoxification Fads: Is There False Hope?

In recent decades there has been a trend in the fads of dieting, and it is no different in the world of detoxification advocates. For those who continue to push detoxification diets there are a whole range of issues that they are not thinking about. For example, before one continues or starts a detox diet then everything about that person must be taken into consideration: his or her current diet, weight, current state of health, as well as body size and age. There may be some type of benefits that certain people experience by performing a detoxification diet in their lives, but let’s look at the ways in which there is false hope with the issue of detoxification:

1: Detoxification Will Not Cure You!

There are many people who are suffering from major diseases and sickness, like certain types of cancer or other incurable diseases. However, the detoxification world makes everything out to be so simple that they put too much weight on some of the benefits of detox diets. If a person has been suffering from lung cancer for quite some time and sees advertisements for a total body detoxification and restoration product, then he or she may easily buy into the false hope that is being presented.

Even though there are many benefits that a detox plan can help with, individuals must realize that detoxifying your body will not help with any incurable diseases, types of cancers, and other ailments. Even though detoxification advertisements may make the issue out to be that detox drugs and therapies are the wonder drug of the century, this idea is certainly not true!

2: Detoxification Will Not Lose Weight for You!

Another issue that many people need to take a step back and realize is that detoxification diets will not help you lose weight unless you change your lifestyle. Even though there are some advocates of detoxification systems that pretty much say everything to the contrary, weight loss will only take place if you give yourself a healthy change and lifestyle for the better.

An example of this would be someone who is overweight but continues to eat at the fast-food restaurant that is all over the city. For him or her a detoxification system may be needed, however, it won’t automatically help him or her to lose weight overnight! On the contrary, fast food needs to be eliminated in that diet, and only then will be experience true weight loss.

All in all, it seems as though the detoxification diets are truly a fad that needs to go away. Even though they are a good system for those who already have a healthy lifestyle and are not sick, it is so easy to understand how advertisements of different detoxification systems can emit false hope in the dark of the night. If you truly want a healthy body then you must strive for it because there is certainly no miracle trick, like the detox fads, that will accomplish that for you!

Being diabetic I have tried many diets and fads, but it not all about the body you need to look at your mind, and your mental wellbeing. To many of us get hooked in to buy that new supplement, diet, book and so on and often spend £100s on stuff you never read as you don’t event try to change your lifestyle that creates the problem in the first place.

I remember going to a weight watchers meeting years ago and the teacher had a pack of weight watchers’ biscuits, 24 points she said, I put my hand up its only 2points a biscuit, she looked at me with her glaring eyes and said would you only eat one or are you like me that would eat the whole packet.

I was honest and said I would also eat the whole packet. So, the point is, its learnt behaviours and creating new behaviours more positive ones and healthier ones that do work, that really make a difference.

There are of course the holistic approaches, that do work or can be used as an alternative, I have always believed, we need to work with the NHS and doctors and together we can help our clients to deal with a variety of health and wellness issues.

There are many services we offer from Reiki healing, counselling, life coaching, Access Bars, NLP, Hypnotherapy, regression, TFT and many more.

Instead of just popping a pill or new supplement, why not come for a session and see how we can help you overcome your challenges and find the root cause of your issues or the negative learnt behaviours you have created, yes you! As the only person that can help you is yourself, but we can give you the tools to succeed.

Book a session now and get back on that road to recovery!

Schedule Appointment

Derek McGillivray Enlightening others to succeed though life’s challenges.. Website

Tel 07468119635 Email Patreon


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We hear reports around the globe of the many souls that suffer depression, because of overwhelming stress. With wars, poverty, and violence going on around us is it any wonder that depression is an issue? Statistics has proven that depression links to increased heart attacks and heart disease.

Researchers have not proved that depression is the cause of heart disease, but they do feel it is a contribution. Depression is also the root for suicidal increase. Yet the fatal mistake that doctors make is over medicating the patient.

Medications not only suppress the problem, but it contributes to medical issues. The result, the problem is still there. Everyday studies are finding new information and yet the information is often tossed to the backseat while traditional treatments continue.

New studies reveal that in contrast, intellectual and in depth, research coupled with insight helps scientist understand depression. After study the mental illness, closely they concluded in one study that depression is possibly linked to existing heart diseases.

With premature death-related to heart disease caused by premature changes in women. In other words, postmenopausal issues were said to be linked. After careful research, it was shown that antidepressant drugs might cause more harm to patients.

Observers that watched these women claimed that women were at higher risk of heart attacks while inducing antidepressants. The Archives of Internal Medicines after conducting surveys claimed that more than 90,000 women over the age of fifty and out of 16 percent suffered major depression.

This was half the women, and this half was taking antidepressants. The researchers continued their studies and found that postmenopausal women suffered depression, and because of taking antidepressants, over half the women were at risk of death related to heart diseases.

In 2003, new researchers concluded that the percentage of women at risk would also be subject to fractured bones, and that more than 8,000 women over 65 were prescribed medications and the medicines had affected the central nervous system. Researchers deduced that after taking prescribed drugs for five years the women were noticeably showing risks of fracturing bones, and those that did not take the drugs lived healthier lives.

After careful studies researchers concluded that, the prescribed drugs were the linking cause of psychical symptoms.

To reduce depression, one must exercise, eat healthy, write in journals, and use self-induced analytic profiling and evaluation of self. It is extremely important that a person come to understand their handicap and deal with it.

More studies have shown that when the spine is out of alignment, or injured that it links to depression, which is often caused by stress. Often when we visit our Chiropractor, he/she can help us to get our spine back in alignment, which has proven to relieve stress and depression.

Despite the studies that concluded that antidepressants could put a patient at risk, doctors around the globe, still take out their prescription pads and start writing. Often the problem is ignored, and blame is placed on the patients, while the doctors continue prescribing.

Now you must ask the question, are you at risk? If so, you need to take care that you consult with the proper physician. Ask him to monitor your issues carefully and sway him away from prescribing antidepressants.

Stay alert to your mental health and avoid floundering, as this contributes to depression. There are solutions to any problems that will work for you. Get out of the house and socialize. Take up a sport that you may enjoy. Read a damn good book or write one yourself. Writing is a gift, an art, and a contribution to Freedom of Speech; let the words flow.

As I analysed this distraction, I concluded, that depression is a mask of broken memories backed with links to medical issues formed and ignored. The spinal and nervous system are remarkably relative if not constituting the main cause of this distraction. What happens is people that suffer fail to exercise, sit straight, bend appropriately, and so forth. The result, the spine is dislocated. When the spine is out of line, problems will arise.

Having suffered myself from back issues I know that if my back is out of alignment, I do get grumpy, moody, and frustrated. I know some of the pain killers I was on were having effect on my mental health and I was not really moving forward, it was not till I took a more holistic approach all these years ago, that I started moving forward.

Depression can kill only if you let it!

However, you should know that medication may be only one part of the treatment puzzle.  You may also need to engage in talk therapy or join a support group in order to alleviate your symptoms.  The good news is that the prognosis is good for those who’ve been diagnosed with depression.

There are of course the holistic approaches, that can work with your drugs or can be used as an alternative, I have always believed, we need to work with the NHS and doctors and together we can help our clients to deal with anxiety.

There are many services we offer from Reiki healing, counselling, life coaching, Access Bars, NLP, Hypnotherapy, regression, TFT and many more..

Instead of just popping a pill why not come for a session and see how we can help you over come your challenges and find the root cause of your issues or the negative learnt behaviours you have created, yes you! As the only person that can help you is yourself, but we can give you the tools to succeed.

Book a session now and get back on that road to recovery!
Schedule Appointment

I Hold Diplomas in Life Coaching, Mindfulness based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) advanced, Past life & this life regression, Hypnotherapy, also hold certificates in Reiki spiritual healing, advanced counselling. I am fully insured and follow national operational and ethical guidelines with in the laws of the UK.

Derek is often asked to do Motivational & Spiritual Workshops, Psychic shows and events with music from the past present & future.

His motto is ” Enlightening others to succeed through life’s challenges “